Digital marketing for schools – part 2

In part one of this series on ‘Digital Marketing for Schools’, I looked at what digital marketing actually *is*. So this post discusses ‘why is it powerful’? In other words, what are its strengths and weaknesses? Why should we / shouldn’t we use it?

It is powerful simply because we now live in a digital society. I would imagine that a large majority of your school community has a Facebook account which they use more than once a week. Both staff and parents – perhaps also your older students. Because other social networking sites, such as twitter, YouTube, four square, Flickr and many many many more, are also growing exponentially. And with smartphones now making this digital world so easily accessible, digital marketing has more power in 2012 than it has ever had in the past, and this power is only set to increase over the coming weeks, months, and years.

Digital marketing undoubtedly has its strengths. It also, however, has significant weaknesses, which every business would do well to consider prior to creating and implementing a digital marketing campaign. Its strengths lie in its wide reach and the currency and timeliness of the information you can provide to your customers. Its weaknesses lie in its vulnerability and its potentially time-consuming nature.

Should you use it? In my opinion, yes. You will lose valuable business to your competitors, should you choose to not employ digital marketing as part of your overall promotional campaign.

Shouldn’t you use it? Also yes, but this one is should be qualified further. There are as many ways to use digital marketing as there are available channels. To use all would blow your budget both financially and time-wise, and you would not see the return on investment (ROI) you are seeking. Thus your digital marketing strategy needs to be carefully considered prior to, and throughout, its implementation.

So – now it’s over to you. What are *your* thoughts on the uses  and misuses of Digital Marketing in schools?

CC Image courtesy Jenn and Tony Bot at

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